Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome 2008

Assalamualaikum 2008 yang baru shaja beberapa minit menjelma. Kedatangan anda memberitahu bahawa azam-azam 2007 hanya sebuah kata-kata nista. Sekali lagi azam 2008 disulam dusta; nak itu nak ini, nak berubah dari satu benda kepada satu benda lain gamaknya. End up everything is nothing.

Again, we put a hope that this coming year will be more fruithfully but we always forget that lite is not easy. Somebody take easy their life that why a year just goes to the drain....

I made a promise to myself this 2008, will almost the same as my previous 1972-2007 that only counting the figures in a sense that life shall be easier.

The best things work hard to get money work for you and get financial freedom....remembered MULANYA DISINI....2008.

In addition, 2008 will indicate that left 4 years to achieve something in 2012, my first one million...is not that **** up reality tv shows.

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